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Bearing Point is an international business consulting and IT company.

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Bearing Point is an international business consulting and IT company.

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To develop a mobile application that allows us to detect colored cards, their color, and location towards each other. The app should display the result of detection, where each color bears a certain type of information.

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We developed the algorithm based on the initial recognition of the card contour followed by color recognition in smartphone photo/video mode. The cards could contain text written with a colored permanent marker.

The App Includes

Recognition of the cards’ contours and colors on any surface

Choosing the best hotel, transport, travel agency etc.

Choosing from several options based on certain criteria.

Sharing your choices with other users

Make group choices

Image app Includes

This project was developed for inner use in a customer company and is not distributed through the market.
We published it as demonstration of our potential.

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